Chartered Financial Analyst, or CFA, is a credential which is awarded by the US based CFA institute to the candidate who successfully clears all the levels of the CFA exam. The credential has international presence and is recognized in more than 138 countries across the world.
Well, there is no doubt that CFA credential can bring many lucrative career opportunities to the candidate who holds it. Let’s take a look at the roadmap to earn the CFA credential.
To be eligible for the exam, the candidate must be graduated from any recognized university or should have any equivalent degree. A candidate who is in the final year of his graduation can register for the Level 1 exam. In addition, the candidate should at least have 4 years of professional work experience (part time job does not qualify). However, in case the candidate does not have the required work experience, they can also apply for the level 1 exam. However, the sum of the combination of graduation and professional work experience should at least sum up to a total of 4 years.
If the candidate meets all the requirements of the eligibility criteria, he is required to enroll himself with the CFA institute. The candidate can enroll either online or offline. Apart from enrolling with the CFA institute, the candidate can also enroll himself with the various other institutes which offer preparatory classes and study material for CFA.
CFA exam
In order to earn CMA credential, a candidate is required to clear all levels of CMA, i.e., level 1, level 2, and level 3, sequentially. Level 1 exam is held in June and December every year while level 2 and 3 exam is held only in June. The exams are conducted in two sessions, morning and afternoon session, of three hours each and it is a must for the candidate to know English language since all the levels are conducted in the English language only. Level 1 exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the ethical and professional standards, Level II tests how the candidate applies those standards to the situations he faces, and Level III tests how the candidate applies the standards in a portfolio management and compliance context.
Once the candidate has cleared all the levels of CMA exam and has a minimum of 4 years of professional experience, he can become the member of the CFA institute and claim his credential.
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